Customized Laser Vision Treatment
LADARVision® CUSTOMCORNEA® is the process of reshaping your cornea to reduce or eliminate both lower and higher order aberrations that can affect the quality of your vision and how well you see after your laser vision correction procedure.
On the day of your procedure, the LADARWave™ CUSTOMCORNEA® 3-D map, containing the aberrations of your eye is perfectly registered and aligned with the surface of your cornea.
Then, LADARVision®4000 Excimer laser with its radar eye tracker, tracks your eye movement at 4000 times per second.
Then using LADARVision®’s small spot laser beam your cornea is reshaped while addressing both higher and lower order aberrations.
The LADARVision® System is the only laser system that can maintain this precise registration and alignment of the eye while reshaping your cornea in the exact pattern defined by your personalized LADARWave™CUSTOMCORNEA®
3-D map.
Find out if LADARVision®CUSTOMCORNEA® can give you the vision you have always wanted at our next seminar. If you would like additional information or to schedule an appointment you may do so online or contact us at 281.555.5555.