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Education is the key to patient satisfaction at Eye Institute at Medical Center Clinic.

The benchmark for choosing a healthcare provider should be surgeon experience, diagnostic and laser technology, location, and how well they educate their patients. We feel, the more you know about eye care, the tougher questions you will ask eye care providers when searching for eye care services. In addition to the massive amount of information on our website, we want to provide you with even more information from other reliable sources.

Here are a few links to those sites we feel offer unbiased information about eye care. If you find another web site that you feel has helped educate you about your eyes, please email us at and let us know.

If you are shopping for laser vision correction, please download our checklist How to choose a laser vision correction provider in Patient Forms.

Other Eye Health Resources on the Web:

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8333 North Davis Hwy, Pensacola, FL 32514 850.474.8436